Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blogger Blogs - Selecting a Platform

Welcome to the Blog Behind The Blog. This is my attempt at documenting the entire process of creating a blog for SEO purposes. It will showcase my two passions: real estate finance and search engine optimization. I have a number of years of experience in both fields and this blog will serve as my online journal for creating a brand new website/blog and launching it to the top of search engine positioning.

This blog is going to be a handbook for search engine positioning. The blog it's following will be a handbook for VA loans.

The first step to creating a blog is choosing a platform to publish with. A number of software programs exist including Xanga, LiveJournal, WordPress and Blogger. Of these platforms, WordPress and Blogger are the most popular. Each has its own positives and negatives and it's up to you to choose what will work best for you.

Speaking from experience, I believe the Blogger platform is the best. The reasons for choosing this software include ease of customization through html coding, search engine positioning and ease of use. WordPress has advantages too, especially in its powerful commenting features. At the end of the day, Blogger is the better platform if you're using the free, Google hosted platform. It costs money to obtain an advantage with Wordpress because only its hosted version allows features like JavaScript and increased customization.

For these reasons, I have continued to use Blogger as my preferred blogging platform. For those who have no technical knowledge, WordPress is a great "point and shoot" type platform as no coding is required or available on the free version. This is nice for simplicity, but deadly for a key function of blogging...monetization. To participate in revenue generating ad programs like Adsense, one must have the ability to paste in the programing scripts to generate the ads and tracking. In most instances, this involves Javascript and the free version of WordPress doesn't support such code. Blogger does.

In a perfect world, the advantages of Blogger and WordPress would be combined and a hybrid platform with all the best features would be created. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and trade-offs are the norm. Despite the great features WordPress has to offer, I still think the advantage goes to Blogger and I will continue to recommend this platform as long as those advantages remain intact.

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